
Monday, 28 November 2011

Thinking about the future, a place where your thoughts remain in the past...

Deciding on what to do after a comfortable five years at University is pretty daunting. This is the situation I am currently in. A situation that has caused me to go the dentist due to grinding my teeth at night through stress. Yes that’s right, I am going to join the mouth guard club, only I can’t be something cool and fit like a rugby player.

It seems that everything has a deadline attached to it and I have no time to meet additional responsibilities. I have only recently found the time to get my CV checked, to find that 3 years of neglect means that it now needs a lot of work on it. With all this future talk I need to invest in a suit, which means I also have to find the time to get one fitted. I keep asking God for another day in the week but no agreement has been made as of yet. Positive thoughts and all of that.

I think one of the reasons I am finding it so hard to decide on a future is because I really do not know what I want to do. I would like to work for the civil service, I’d also like to apply for a PGCE through the TeachFirst scheme, and finally I am fixated on the idea of working for the Paralympics 2012! Oh and that is even if I decide to stay in the UK, as I’m not even sure if I’m ready to settle... If I was someone else hearing someone complain about all the above, I’d tell them to do a mind map/colourful spider diagram of pros and cons of each option and make sure they do their research. However, I don’t have the time for all of that so I’m hoping I’ll wake up one day with an epiphany. This is unlikely to happen so I’m going to dedicate a Sunday to it before I miss the deadlines...

...A "dedicated" Sunday later and I am still behind. I decided to have a pyjama day on Sunday and organise 'other' things; which we all know was a distraction from doing the actual task I needed to do. The deadline is on the 30th of September (did I mention that already? The date is constantly on my mind) yet much like coursework I'll continue to do everything, a bad habit which I really need to break. I did do some general research on the internet and found out that there is a new head of the Civil Service... can't remember his name... I also read through a type of self help book on the civil service fast stream, which helped in some ways but mostly scared me on the approaching application process. All this stress could be another excuse for a spa weekend in Jersey, which I highly recommend by the way...

picture from
If I was Richard Branson I'd definitely ban all technology from my island, rescue missions, room service, and other needs would have to be sent via morse code or messenger. You know those days where the thought of looking at a computer screen any longer makes you feel sick? That's pretty much every day after work for me, which reminds me I really need to get my eyes tested.

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